
Archive for September, 2021

Celtic Astrology Sign – Ivy
Ivy (Gort) – September 30 – October 27

Each year at sunrise on the summer solstice hundreds of people, those fortunate enough to obtain admission, congregate in an open plain near Salisbury, England. Shivering in the predawn, the huge crowd struggles to glimpse a small space among the ancient circle of rocks. This annual gathering at Stonehenge is big news around the world. Each midsummer’s day, on June 21 or 22, millions more tune in to media coverage to watch as the sun rises to mark the longest day of the year by shining through an opening in the stones. The ritual touches some primal longing, perhaps reaffirming the continuity of life through the cycles of the Sun and Moon. Stonehenge is actually an astrology calculator. It gives silent testimony of the importance the ancients placed on following the important heavenly patterns.
The specifics of exactly how this early zodiac worked are murky, lost in time. However those who constructed Stonehenge were precise and well schooled concerning the celestial cycles. Various mystics, astrologers and mythologists have, over the centuries, attempted to unravel the meaning of not only Stonehenge but of other stone circles around Britain, Ireland and other places in Europe. These monuments from bygone times usually mark the longest, shortest and equality of days at the solstices and equinoxes. The Celtic Zodiac is used in a spiritual and esoteric sense, a ritual honoring of the seasons. Its message differs from what we think of as a typical astrological consultation, which might offer advice about love, a job, a move, etc. During the past couple of years I have included the Celtic Zodiac in horoscope updates for my clients.

Perhaps the earliest house plant (think of an ivy covered cottage), ivy relates to happiness and hospitality. Ivy wood cups, holding ale, were often passed to welcome guests. Ivy grows in a spiral, it was traditionally added to wreaths to illustrate fidelity and attachment. The transformative symbols of the butterfly and Persephone, visitors who are reborn after visiting the underworld, as well as the benevolent goddess Arianrhod bring the message of Ivy.
By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer

Dikki-Jo Mullen
Astrologer and Parapsychologist https://dikkijomullen.wordpress.com

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Autumn Equinox Ingress Horoscope
A New Season!
By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer

At 3:21 PM EDT on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, the Sun will enter Libra, marking the start of autumn. It’s the equinox, a word that comes from the Latin roots for “equal” and “night”. It’s when the hours of daylight and darkness are most evenly divided. It’s the season that, in the Northern Hemisphere, brings the greatest change in the weather. From the warmth fading from a hot summer, to the first snow storms and the approaching freezes of Yuletide, this is the shapeshifting magic of the fall season. A horoscope cast for the moment fall begins is called an ingress. It will reveal what can be expected during the weeks to come. This year the ingress chart has Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron and Uranus all retrograde, Think of the prefix “re” in analyzing this. Repeat, return, remember, all of these “re” words will characterize the season. There can be many situations which are ongoing, almost redundant. Venus is in Scorpio, showing a fascination with funerary art and communicating with lost loved ones in the afterlife. A Sun-Mars conjunction in Libra along with Mercury in Libra, underscores vacillating in decisions as well as questions about fairness and equality. The Aries Moon can show struggles involving housing and real estate for some, also much impatience. There is a cardinal T-square involving the Moon, Mercury in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. The sign of Cancer is the open end of that volatile pattern, funneling attention toward the food supply, family dynamics ad heritage. A second T-square in fixed signs is formed with Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius. The force of habit is strong, many can resist change. Leo is the open side of that T-square. The needs of children, the well being of beloved entertainers and sports figures, the world’s royal families the yearning for leisure time activities and recognition can all be stress points. Six placements plus the Moon’s node are in air signs. This shows a variety of ideas and suggestions for making things better. Focus and follow through can be another thing though Astrologers! Please share your thoughts. What do you see in the event chart for the new season? 

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The Sun will transit the sign of Libra from 3:21 pm EDT on September 22, 2021 through October 23, 2021 at 12:51 am EDT, when the sign of Scorpio begins. The autumn equinox, the first day of fall, correlates with the entry of the Sun (actually planet earth’s path around the Sun) into Libra.

Welcoming Libra! – Here are some prompts for a guided meditation-

Romantic and idealistic, you are a refined diplomat who must overcome the temptation to vacillate. The Scales perpetually strive for balance. Watching over autumn’s gateway, when day and night are equal, you instinctively shy away from taking sides. Ruled by gracious Venus and the element air your natural instincts lean toward restoring harmony. Relationships of all kinds give true meaning to your life. Libra is the sign or marriage and partnership. In Mesopotamia the constellation of the Scales was linked to the Full Moon at harvest time. It was then that Scales were honored with trust to accurately weigh value and measure the year’s crops. In Babylon the Scales belonged to Shamash, judge of heaven and Earth. He fathered two gods Kittu (justice) and Misharu (law). These divine offspring were called upon during divination sessions to assure a balanced and fair decision.

Relationships always are of prime significance. You enjoy people and companionship. With natural diplomacy, Libra strives to maintain balance and harmony. There is a gift for perceiving all sides of an issue and sharing a fair assessment when asked for advice or guidance. Ruled by Venus, Libra has a naturally romantic and idealistic side. You cherish all that is beautiful and artistic. Equilibrium and balance characterize the special charm and style of s Venus ruled Libra. You are forever seeking harmony and beauty in all things. Companionship, thoughtfulness and fairness are important keynotes. In a desire to always do what is right Libra can vacillate. Decision by indecision can often determine outcomes in key situations.

Symbolized by the Scales, a need for balance in all areas of life is a priority. You strive to see all sides of every issue in order to always be fair and just. The role of peace maker and mediator is often played by Libra. Above all you long to share with others and to have a harmonious, peaceful life. Forever a diplomat you have a flair for putting others at ease. Relationships are very important. You prefer sharing the ups and downs of life with a partner rather than making life a solitary journey. Ruled by Venus, there is an appreciation for beauty, visual arts and often music. Often genuine artistic talent is present.

The balance really illustrates turning points. Poised gracefully at the beginning of the harvest season and the gateway to winter, Libra suggests transitions and is all about measuring relationships. Transpersonal concepts rise above the individual focus. Art, partnerships and justice are linked to this sign and show that sharing in the most desirable ways and means.

Dikki-Jo Mullen
Astrologer and Parapsychologist https://dikkijomullen.wordpress.com

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                                           Old Time Honey-Lavender Syrup
This recipe is a delicious and natural anti-depressant, try the syrup on waffles, scones, ice cream, pancakes, etc. The ingredients are: 1/2 cup maple syrup, 1 TBS honey, 1 tsp. lavender flowers ,1 tsp vanilla extract, 2 drops of pure lavender oil. Stir together over low heat until heated through, cover and let sit over low heat for about a half hour, serve warm. Enjoy some in quiet contemplation or invite cheerful friends for afternoon tea and share. Lavender is well known for its properties as a catalyst for good cheer and attracting happiness.

Kitchen Witchery From Dikki-Jo

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