
Archive for August, 2022

Last Rose of Summer, 2022 New Moon
By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer
The final New Moon of the summer is on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 4:17 am EDT at 4 degrees Virgo 03’. This lunation coincides with preparing for a seasonal shift. The hot and sultry summer gradually fades toward autumn. Vacations are ending, birds are migrating, foliage is turning color and school is starting. The pace of life is poised to twist. Write your wish list during the 8 hours following the New Moon and watch how they manifest during the 4 weeks ahead. This New Moon is in the double Mercury decanate of Virgo, so the mood tends to be critical and rather stressed. Thoughts revolve around health and service. An urge to make good use of time and resources in order to improve situations resonates. Healthy foods and self care appeal. In Degrees of the Zodiac this degree is symbolized by “ A very long, straight road with no end in sight.” Issues being addressed can be ongoing. The phrase “same old, same old” echoes. The fixed stars Thuban and Phecda in early Virgo have an impact on this New Moon. Thuban is a yellow star in the constellation Draco, it is visible from the central passage of The Great Pyramid of Cheops. Thuban’s influence is thought to affect justice, it has been called “The Judge of Heaven”. Phecda is the 3rd largest star in Ursa Major, The Big Bear. It has a Mars like energy and has been related to power struggles in the affairs of nations. Ominously, in ancient astrology texts it has been thought to attract a “blood bath” when active. The Sun and Moon conjunct on this degree are exactly square Mars at 4 degrees Gemini 00’ A symbol related to this Gemini zodiacal degree is “A radical magazine displays a sensational front page.” Watch the news! This intense aspect can also encourage risk taking and intolerance. Seek a constructive outlet. Enthusiasm is building. Mercury in Libra encourages finding a balance between assertion and aggression. Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aries, bringing some intriguing conversations filled with colorful anecdotes and some exaggeration. Patience is scant, many are seeking immediate fulfillment. Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius. Accept others as they are, compassion can be in short supply. Don’t seek favors. Trust issues can surface. Make self love and self respect a priority in order to build and cultivate better relationships. Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are all retrograde. The prefix “re” can reveal what this means, think of repeat, remember, reconnect, rethink, recycle, return reconnect, etc. The past holds the key to future and figuring out current happenings. What people did once, they will tend to do again. It’s easy to revel in memories and nostalgia. Focus on investing mental energy in all there is to be grateful for while musing about the past. A good way to cope with this is to return to a study or project begun and abandoned. The strong Mercury makes travel appealing, a return visit to a favorite place enjoyed before can be satisfying. Past life experiences and flashes of dejavu will characterize this lunar month. Good crystals and stones to wear or carry now include citrine and carnelian agate.

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Celtic Zodiac Sign
August 5 -September 1
By Dikki-Jo Mullen
Each year at sunrise on the summer solstice hundreds of people, those fortunate enough to obtain admission, congregate in an open plain near Salisbury, England. Shivering in the predawn, the huge crowd struggles to glimpse a small space among the ancient circle of rocks. This annual gathering at Stonehenge is big news around the world. Each midsummer’s day, on June 21 or 22, millions more tune in to media coverage to watch as the sun rises to mark the longest day of the year by shining through an opening in the stones. The ritual touches some primal longing, perhaps reaffirming the continuity of life through the cycles of the Sun and Moon. Stonehenge is actually an astrology calculator. It gives silent testimony of the importance the ancients placed on following the important heavenly patterns.
The specifics of exactly how this early zodiac worked are murky, lost in time. However those who constructed Stonehenge were precise and well schooled concerning the celestial cycles. Various mystics, astrologers and mythologists have, over the centuries, attempted to unravel the meaning of not only Stonehenge but of other stone circles around Britain, Ireland and other places in Europe.
It is like a simple Sun sign reading, whimsically correlating the qualities of the various months of the year with rhythms in nature.
This month in the Celtic Zodiac
Hazel (Coll) – August 5 – September 1
The rainbow fish is a symbol of the sign, providing a clue about this sign’s, tie to water sources, including rain. The planet Mercury and god Ogma suggest a link with numbers, rules and the value of analysis. Acquiring knowledge is the goal and discerning the truth. The quest for discovery extends to divination. Usually cut into a Y shaped wand, hazel is a popular choice for dowsers and diviners.

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Fourth Supermoon of the Lion’s Gate
Full Moon Astrology August 11, 2022
By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer
The fourth in a row and the final Supermoon of 2022 is on August 11 at 9:36 pm EDT. A Supermoon is a Full Moon which occurs when the Moon is at its perigee, meaning that it’s closer to the Earth than usual. Supermoons appear to be larger and more radiant, brighter, than other Full Moons. Extremes in weather patterns and the quality of life on our planet are thought to be more intense and active when the Moon is closer, emitting magnetic waves of stronger energy. The Full Moon on Thursday evening will be at 19 degrees Aquarius 21’. This correlates with the end of the annual Lion’s Gate portal. The Lion’s Gate is a cycle in cosmic astrology associated with the three stars in the Constellation of Orion which form Orion’s belt. It’s thought to be a time of heightened ability to manifest, it’s an opportune time to move to higher levels of consciousness. The tradition dates back to ancient Egypt when the lineage of Pharaohs was symbolized by Leo, the sacred Lion in the zodiac. The three pyramids of Giza, Egypt are thought to align with and honor these sacred stars. Each year The Lion’s Gate open completely on 8/8 or August 8th. The infinity sign, the cosmic lemniscate and sacred numerology connected with the 8 offer insights into its potential. The entire Lion’s Gate influence spans July 28 – August 12 every year. Blessing the home by writing an 8 on the doorway is a simple ritual for invoking the sacred energy of the divine Lion on August 8th, the day of the Lion’s Gate.
Traditional names for this Full Moon include the Wort (plant) Moon, Grain Moon, Barley Moon, Green Corn Moon, Sturgeon Moon and Fruit Moon. In Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized this Full Moon degree becomes “A Great Tortoise”. Solitary, harmless and philosophical are keywords for this degree. In Sabian Symbols the same degree is illustrated as “A big white dove, a message bearer.” Divine guidance, peace and insight are some interpretations.
The Supermoon on Thursday August 11 conjoins Saturn in Aquarius. This brings in a serious mood, concerns about technology and human interest topic prevail. Venus enters Leo at 2:30 pm EDT, this is a warm and romantic trend. Care for children, love of the theater, sports and games and vacation plans come to the forefront while Venus is in Leo, until September 5, 2022. This Full Moon also Mercury in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces. This is an aspect of illusion, a bit of chicanery and distortion. Much is not as it seems. There are many retrograde planets, suggesting repeating patterns and events linked to the past. It can be a good time to try past life regression.

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Steps Toward Inner Peace
Inspired by Peace Pilgrim (July 18, 1908 – July 5, 1981)
Four Preparations
1. Assume right attitudes toward life
2. Live good beliefs
3. Find your place in the life pattern
4. Simplify life to bring inner and outer well being into harmony

Crown of Success Powder Recipe
If you’re ever in any competitive, unpleasant or other difficult situation and need a spiritual boost, don’t forget to douse yourself in ‘Crown of Success’ powder. Blend a quarter cup of cornstarch with a quarter cup of powdered sugar and then add 33 drops of pure basil essential oil. Mix together by using the index finger of the hand that you write with and stir in a clockwise direction 33 times. Put some powder on after bathing or simply rub it on your hands or on your feet before important meetings. It also works to sprinkle this simple yet powerful powder around your home, over crystals, etc. Either way, the winner is you! If basil essential oil is unavailable simply crush fresh basil leaves in olive oil, leave to infuse overnight, strain and use.

Dikki-Jo Mullen
Astrologer and Parapsychologist https://dikkijomullen.wordpress.com

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