
Archive for April, 2023

The Season of Eclipse
April 20 – May 5, 2023.
By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer
“The times they are a change’in.” Daily there are so many shifts and transformations in the world around us. It’s almost overwhelming to even list them. Pluto, the planet of rebirth and renewal is presiding over it all, as it crosses the cusp into Aquarius for a transit of twenty years, until 2044. The eclipses of spring, 2023 punctuate this chaotic cycle. On April 20 at 12:18 am EDT there will be a hybrid solar eclipse at the New Moon at 29 degrees Aries 50 minutes. This is exactly on the cusp of Aries -Taurus. Hybrid eclipse varies from nearly total to partial alignment of the Sun, Moon and Earth. The lunar eclipse at the full Moon will be on May 5, 2023 at 1:34 pm EDT at 14 degrees Scorpio 58 minutes. It’s an appulse, a type of partial eclipse. The Moon’s Nodes mark the eclipse seasons. North Node eclipses are thought to be more favorable than those at the South Node. Eclipses have been compared to firecrackers. They bring sudden and surprising upsets in the status quo. Eclipses are unpredictable, always delivering what is least expected. Flexibility and being observant are the ways to cope during an eclipse season. Also eclipses tend to be a time to release the old to make way for the new.
The North Node April 20 eclipse has the Sabian Symbol reading “A duck pond with its brood” . This affects family life, and home living environments. It might also highlight the current abortion controversy. Two fixed stars are in orb of a conjunction with the April 20 eclipse. Alrisha and Mirach. Alrisha has a tie with the sea, the destiny of kings and the masses, that is large numbers of people. Mirach has a Venusian nature and generates kindness and forgiveness. People of renown and celebrity come to the forefront and there is an enhanced devotion to the arts and beauty. In Degrees of the Zodiac symbolized the degree of the eclipse is symbolized by “A man wheeling a barrow load of earth over a hollow run (pathway)”. It’s a hard degree. There is much work to do before rest and reward bring relief. Poverty verses wealth factors in.
The South Node May 5 eclipse has the Sabian Symbol of “Children playing in five mounds of sand.” The meaning suggests games, subterfuge and immaturity. This eclipse is also conjunct the fixed star Zubenelgenubi. At the south claw of the Scorpion, this star has a Mars-Saturn nature. Its energy can be bold, active and demanding. It can also affect financial stability. It is interesting to note that the coronation of England’s King Charles III is scheduled for May 6, 2013, within the influential sphere of the second eclipse in Scorpio. The King’s birth (Sun) sign is Scorpio. In Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized the degree symbol for this eclipse is “A round temple with a pointed roof”. A place for ritual observances and site of mystery is the meaning.
Eclipses almost always come in groups of two. They always coincide with either a New and Full Moon too. They are about two weeks apart. The two week interval between eclipses has been called an eclipse season. This two week span is unsettling, a time of growth and changes. It is wise to wait and let the universe make the first move. See which way events are unfolding before initiating personal changes. Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus over lapping this eclipse season. The retrograde spans April 21 – May 14/15, 2023.
May Day, or Beltane, falls during the eclipse season. Sacred fires, linked to a fire deity, Bel, are often lit to welcome in the greater light, the summer season. Experience fires, candles and incense to brighten the night on April 30/May 1.
While preparing this feature I kept hearing the song by Donovan “The Season of the Witch”. The lyrics are dark, rich in mystical inferences and with a paranormal twist. “It must be the Season of the Witch. Pick up every stitch.” I thought of May Day and the stitchwort, a seasonal plant. Delicate with white star like blossoms similar to the daisy, stitchwort is often used in traditional Beltane or May Day decorations. The spring, 2023 Eclipse Season coincides with the May Day or Beltane holiday and Walpurgis Nacht. These traditional festivals honor the spring with music and merriment. Think of May baskets and the Maypole dance. Beltane is a part of the wheel of the Year, one of eight festivals celebrated since ancient times. Folk magic traditions punctuate his time. Some simple ways to attune with the energy are to sit on the ground and place both palms facing down on the Earth. Going out before dawn on May 1 to gather dew to touch the eyes and face is thought to bring the ability to see the wee folk, the fae ones and also to have enhanced beauty and charisma. Touch the sacred May Day dew to chakra points, the feet, etc. for a unique blessing. In Germany witches are thought to travel to the Harz Mountains for revelry on the Brocken, a famous mountain, on Walpurgis Nacht, St. Walpurga’s Night. This is part of the May Day celebrations, observed on or about April 30.

Dikki-Jo Mullen
Astrologer and Parapsychologist https://dikkijomullen.wordpress.com

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Full Moon on Spy Wednesday/Holy Thursday Depending …
April 5 or 6, 2023
By Dikki-Jo Mullen
The Full Moon each month is a time when many sense spiritual nuances. Sensitivity and intuition can be at a peak. It also affects the tides, weather and human and animal behavior.  Depending on where you are in the world there will be a Full Moon in Libra on Wednesday April 5 or on Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 12:34 am EDT. The focus is on relationships, creating beauty and emotional inspiration to seek justice. Traditional names for the April Full Moon include Seed Moon, also the Pink Moon, from the pink flowers – phlox – that bloom in the early spring. Other names for this April lunation include Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Hare Moon, while the Old English/Anglo-Saxon name is Egg Moon. The first Full Moon of springtime is also known as the Paschal Moon because it is used to calculate the date for Easter. Easter is always the first Sunday after the First Full Moon after the First day of Spring. In 2023 this places Easter on April 9. A traditional folk ditty for connecting with the Full Moon advises: “Call to the Moon when she is round, Luck with you will then abound!”
Spy Wednesday, or Holy Wednesday/Holy Thursday, is on the Full Moon of April 5 or 6 depending upon location and time zone.. This is the Wednesday/Thursday of Holy Week preceding Easter. Wednesday recognizes the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, a disciple. The name “Spy Wednesday” comes from the tradition that this was the day Judas Iscariot arranged to betray Jesus to the enemies for thirty pieces of silver. It so often seems that the time near Easter brings unique challenges and turmoil. In the USA there was great property loss and damage just before Palm Sunday, 2023. Watch the news for signs of other turbulent situations. The Full Moon on April 6 is at 16 degrees Libra 07 minutes, it’s very close to the Fixed star Seginus, a white supergiant which is more than 30 times the size of our Sun. Signius has a Mercury-Saturn nature and will color this Full Moon. Subtle and studious, a storyteller, prevaricator and occult influence, it brings serious issues to the forefront, possibly losses through shameless choices or the wrong companions. In medical astrology this influence impacts the health of the right kidney. Looking at the Full Moon horoscope the Moon is opposing Chiron which is part of an Aries stellium. This pattern can encourage old family issues to resurface. There is a need for healing of some kind of old wound. Deal with rejection through self care and appreciating who you are.
The Sabian Symbol of April’s Full Moon degree is “A Retired Sea Captain”. This suggests experiences gleaned from a long life journey. It also suggests resting, and avoiding new struggles. Be careful of what you choose to do under this Full Moon. Undertaking a big project or making a promise could be overwhelming. Let go of struggles. With a strong Aries influence present now in the cosmos stressfully combined with other potent cardinal sign patterns, it’s not a time to be overly competitive or try to take charge. This Full Moon  of April, 2023 encourages clinging to inner peace. What do your deepest roots encourage? Growth comes to those who be what they are, want what they have and do what they can!
Astrologer and Paranormal investigator Dikki-Jo Mullen presents Daily Face Astrology Face Book posts, The website Sky Maiden Musings and You Tube videos are other services she offers.

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