
Archive for November, 2021

First Thanksgiving 1621 -2021
Four Hundred Year Anniversary Ballad
1621 – 2021
By Dikki-Jo Mullen

This strange and wild place still untouched by grime
Company gathered, natives with pilgrims, intruders, to offer thanks
At peace now and welcomed in a new home for a time
Sincere friendship too soon betrayed, perhaps not ever really frank.

Four Centuries now, and so quickly past
Beauty, nature ravished and pillaged, in a dream to barely last
Christmas parade in Wisconsin, far away
Scene set for the last mad frenzy yesterday.

Yet, offer a Thanksgiving, possible future and hope
For peace, life, joy and liberty to prevail
Through despair, fear and confusion, pilgrims still we grope
Faith that the ideal, a Holy Grail, now not to fail.

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Sagittarius Meditation

Sagittarius Meditation
November 22 – December 20
By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer
Your independent spirit and love of freedom can make experience be your best and only real teacher. The Centaur, the man-animal, is your emblem. On one level this symbol reveals how close Sagittarians are to animal companions, especially horses and dogs. There is another message, though. The human torso atop the animal body shows how the higher nature can rise above the animal instincts to attain higher consciousness. The arrow speeding, meteor- like, toward a target beautifully illustrates the energy of this final fire sign of winter. Brilliant and ephemeral the fiery arrow calls to mind the transient beauty of the Aurora Borealis, the northern lights. Chiron, the kindly Centaur, was a beloved teacher and respected healer. He understood, advised and guided young, wayward Centaurs.
Abundance, wholeness and expansion are ideals linked to Sagittarius. You are ruled by Jupiter, the largest and most generous of planets. Forever galloping onward, targeting the quest for eternal values, you approach life as a great adventure dedicated to exploring unchartered realms. Crusades and pilgrimages, journeys made to seek knowledge and union with the divine, can make you intolerant of the mundane. Develop a bit of diplomacy as you seek to uplift others on a daily basis, then you will be loved and respected as a role model. Chiron, the wise Sagittarian Centaur, taught the sons of the elite and the divine. Achilles and the great physician Aesculapius were two of his famous students.
Life is a characterized by wanderlust for this Jupiter ruled birth sign. An urge to grow and explore attracts you to a variety of different types of people and life experiences. Animal companions are important to you. Freedom to travel to new places and to seek new challenges will appeal to you. Cheerful and fun loving, you often inspire, care for and encourage others.
A free spirited adventurer, the Archer embraces excitement. Cultivating a zest for life is your motivation. Customs and precedence are often flaunted by Sagittarius, the zodiac’s nomad. The sky above is wide and expansive and the path ahead is a twisting and unpredictable one. Animal companions, wild and domestic, will usually accompany those born under this Jupiter ruled fire sign.

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Full Moon Micromoon Spectacle in the Sky
The Lunar Eclipse of November 19, 2021

By Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer

Eclipses mark changes, they generate elements of surprise. Astrologically they function like firecrackers tossed to and fro unexpectedly. Some stargazers are comparing this one’s potential impact to the cultural revolution of the 1960’s. It takes place on Friday, November 19, 2021 at 3:57 am EST and will be the longest partial eclipse in duration since the year 1440. There won’t be another partial lunar eclipse this long until the year 2669. Friday’s eclipse will last 3 hours 28 minutes and 23 seconds, according to NASA. Early birds and night owls can see it peak about 4:00 am EST if the sky is clear. The Full Moon will appear to turn blood red. Early astrology texts will warn that blood can be shed in the month of the blood red Moon. This lunation is also a Micro Moon, which means it will appear to be smaller than the Full Moon usually is. That’s because it is at apogee. That means Luna is orbiting further away from planet Earth than it normally is.
The important times for the eclipse event from start to finish are listed below in Eastern Standard Time.

Partial Eclipse begins Nov 19 at 2:18:42 am
Maximum Eclipse Nov 19 at 4:02:55 am
Partial Eclipse ends Nov 19 at 5:47:04 am

For those who dedicate Full Moons to ritual observances and spiritual workings, this one is likely to exert tremendous power. Get your candles, crystals and chants ready. For those who have a birthday near (within 3 days or so) of this eclipse, a year of great significance is promised. This prediction includes President Joe Biden, who was born on November 20, 1942.
In the lore of Full moon names this one is often called the Beaver Moon. It marks the time when beavers might build their dams. Other names include The Snow Moon and Moon of the First Freeze, as changes in the weather tend to coincide with November’s Full Moon. The lunation takes place at 27 degrees Taurus 14 minutes. It’s within orb of a conjunction with the fixed stars called The Pleiades. The seven sisters. They are found in the shoulder of Taurus the bull and placed from 29º Taurus to 00° Gemini. Different cultures throughout the ages have formed a mythology around these stars. The sparkling cluster makes a striking picture in the sky. Astrologically the Pleiades are thought to disrupt the status quo with a fiery and adventurous mood. With the eclipse of the Moon factored in expect subcultural influences and a touch of fanaticism. There can be isolation from a long time anchor or bond.
The Sabian symbol for the degree of this November 19 eclipse reads ”A woman reawakened to romance”. Astrologer Alan Leo’s “Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized” the interpretation is different. It is a degree of vagary. The image is of “A man is seen climbing upon a pale set upon an elevation”. This suggests exertion without purpose and ambitions in the clouds which are unreachable.
There will be a solar eclipse at the New Moon on December 4, 2021. The two week period between the eclipses can be unsettled and rather volatile. Be flexible and don’t force issues. Let the universe make the first move. Consider the event chart for the November 19th Full Moon lunar eclipse. Astrologers, what else does the horoscope suggest happening?

Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them” ~ Marcus Aurelius

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New Moon in Scorpio November 4, 2021
A Jewel sparkles in the Northern Crown.
By Dikki-Jo Mullen

The second New Moon of Autumn is at 5:15 pm EDT on Thursday, November 4, 2021. It’s now deep autumn, often called the gloom time. The hours of darkness increasingly outnumber the daylight hours. The night winds blow many mysteries and whisper numerous secrets. This lunation finds the Sun and Moon exactly conjunct is at 12 degrees Scorpio 40’ , and exactly conjunct the fixed star Alphecca, one of the famous fifteen Behenian Stars . These legendary 15 stars have long been thought to be magical. They would be called upon by astrologer- priest -magicians across Europe and the Arabic countries to create unique impacts. This was especially effective when a luminary was involved. This New Moon finds both lights, or luminaries, the Sun and Moon, conjunct Alphecca. It’s an important time period, much is happening. Begin by writing a wish list during the 8 hours following the New Moon. The topaz is a crystal associated with Alphecca, its herbs are rosemary, ivy and trefoil. Incorporate the crystal and herbs into personal altars and rituals. Alphecca is a very bright binary star, its symbols include the hen and a crowned king. It has been called “The Jewel in the Northern Crown”. Alphecca has a Mercury-Venus nature which addresses honor, artistry, poetry and dignity. In the backdrop of space it is part of a line of twinkling stars portrayed as a loop of ribbon fastened with buds and flowers. The Moon’s presence in this pattern is ironically seen as sinister though. There can be scandals afoot, perhaps a fall from grace. Some key activities include extracting treasures, digging pits, turning points in love commitments (possible divorce), extreme weather and the destruction of dwellings. Discord is brewing. Health factors are significant. Early herbalists suggested consuming ginger, onions, mustard and garlic when Alphecca was active astrologically.
This New Moon event chart reveals what sets the pace for the next four weeks. Write a wish list during the 8 hours following the New Moon to begin to connect with Alphecca’s positive powers. The Sun and Moon at 12 degrees Scorpio exactly oppose retrograde Uranus at 12 degrees Taurus. Elements of the unpredictable are all over this pattern. Plans and loyalties are in flux. Be flexible when surprise twists of fate occur. Adapt to changes in the status quo. Mars in Scorpio suggests subterfuge, Mercury in Libra points to legal issues. Venus on the last degree of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Love can be idealistic. Jupiter and Saturn both are in Aquarius. This underscores humanitarian and quality of life issues, as well as politics. Remember Jupiter rules the Republicans and Saturn the Democrats, while Uranus represents freedom and democracy. Pluto continues to inch along in earthy Capricorn, transforming economic and ecological situations. The North Moon node in Gemini accents education as well as transportation. It also ushers in duality, remember to look at all sides of an issue, get both sides of every story.

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Celtic Zodiac Sign For November
Sign of the Reed
By Dikki-Jo Mullen
Each year at sunrise on the summer solstice hundreds of people, those fortunate enough to obtain admission, congregate in an open plain near Salisbury, England. Shivering in the predawn, the huge crowd struggles to glimpse a small space among the ancient circle of rocks. This annual gathering at Stonehenge is big news around the world. Each midsummer’s day, on June 21 or 22, millions more tune in to media coverage to watch as the sun rises to mark the longest day of the year by shining through an opening in the stones. The ritual touches some primal longing, perhaps reaffirming the continuity of life through the cycles of the Sun and Moon. Stonehenge is actually an astrology calculator. It gives silent testimony of the importance the ancients placed on following the important heavenly patterns.
The specifics of exactly how this early zodiac worked are murky, lost in time. However those who constructed Stonehenge were precise and well schooled concerning the celestial cycles. Various mystics, astrologers and mythologists have, over the centuries, attempted to unravel the meaning of not only Stonehenge but of other stone circles around Britain, Ireland and other places in Europe. These monuments from bygone times usually mark the longest, shortest and equality of days at the solstices and equinoxes. During the past couple of years I have included the Celtic Zodiac in horoscope updates for my clients. It is like a simple Sun sign reading, whimsically correlating the qualities of the various months of the year with rhythms in nature.

Reed (Ngetal) – October 28 – November 24
Here is an emphasis on the inscrutable, the secret keeper. Stones, Pluto, the god Pwyll as well as Hecate, goddess of the crossroads are keynote associations. It’s Halloween and the Gloom season. Reeds can be fashioned into pan pipes, musical instruments which might speak with the dead. Thatched roofs for shelter and other useful items can be created from these flexible branches. It’s a time of preparation and uncertainty concerning what might be ahead with the winter to come. The secret is to make the best use of what resources are on hand.

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